

Every Daily

Min : $50.00

Max : $999.00

  • Daily Payout 0.60%
  • Duration Lifetime
  • Lifetime Earning


Every Daily

Min : $1,000.00

Max : $4,999.00

  • Daily Payout 0.70%
  • Duration Lifetime
  • Lifetime Earning


Every Daily

Min : $5,000.00

Max : $9,999.00

  • Daily Payout 0.80%
  • Duration Lifetime
  • Lifetime Earning


Every Daily

Min : $10,000.00

Max : $19,999.00

  • Daily Payout 0.90%
  • Duration Lifetime
  • Lifetime Earning

Delta Plus

Every Daily


  • Daily Payout 1.00%
  • Duration Lifetime
  • Lifetime Earning

How to get started with Picton Trade?

Get started with Picton Trade using these simple steps below and begin earning profits instantly.

1. Register

Register using a valid email address, onto the website directly or sign up using a Referral Link.

2. Deposit

Deposit Funds into you 'Balance Wallet',

3. Invest

Choose one or more Package/s of your choice and invest using Funds from your Balance Wallet.

4. Withdraw

Start receiving Daily Profits instantly, Withdraw funds to your Crypto Wallet.

Why Picton Trade?

Early adopters of Crypto made fortunes, and now it's your turn to seize the early advantage of AI with Picton Trade.

Expertise in AI Investments

We specialize in combining the power of AI with Crypto providing you with a unique opportunity to maximize returns.

High-Yield Potential

With our AI-driven strategies and in-depth market knowledge, we strive to unlock highest-yield opportunities for you.

10 Level Earning

You get to earn Referral commissions up-to 10 levels, so we made sharing with friends and family more exciting.

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Managed Crypto Accounts

We manage your Investments end to end, allowing you to benefit from newer trends without you handling complexities.

Trust and Transparency

We keep you informed about your investments, ensuring you have a clear understanding of your Assets.

Rewards and more...

Multiple Cash Rewards starting from $50 up-to $500 in rewards to be made.